Start Design on Linux using Figma

Feri Lukmansyah
2 min readNov 7, 2021
image from Unsplash

on this occasion I will share about starting to make designs using Figma, the design, in this case, I will design a mobile application or web app, okay these are some topics that will be discussed

  • Introduce Figma
  • Installing Figma on Linux
  • Create New Account on
  • Login to Figma Application

Introduce Figma

Figma is a powerful vector graphics editor and prototyping tool that primarily web-based and offline features, and cross-platform support

Installing Figma on Linux

to install Figma on Linux you need to make sure the distro you are using, the example here uses arch Linux, so you can install using yay

yay -Syy figma-linux

Create Account in Figma

open or open from your Figma application, and create a new account from google

creating a new account on Figma

and then after creating a new account, and it will automatically redirect to the Figma start page

Login to Figma Application

login Figma

after we create an account, we will directly redirect to the main page,

home screen in Figma

now we can use Figma to make designs and prototypes


that’s it, design preparation using Linux see you in the next chapter

